Wellness & Anti-Aging : Phillips Health Care Newsletter
5970 South Rainbow Boulevard Las Vegas, Nevada 89118  Phone: (702) 363-4000    Fax:  (702) 362-0086   Email: phillipsclinic@cox.net
Office Hours:
Monday  8:00 - 5:00  Tuesday  7:30 - 6:00  Wednesday  7:30 - 6:00  Thursday  7:30 - 6:00  Friday   8:00 - 5:00 Saturday  9:00 - 4:00
Phillips Clinic 
Family Practice  Wellness, Stem Cell Therapy & Anti-Aging Medicine

Wellness & Anti-Aging

by Phillips Clinic on 04/23/18

The American Academy of  Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) is dedicated to the advancement of technological tools and breakthrough transformations in healthcare that can detect, treat, and prevent diseases associated with aging. The A4M is committed to educating healthcare professionals and practitioners on biomedical sciences and medical protocols through continuing   medical education (CME) and  training focused on functional, metabolic, and regenerative medicalsciences.

The A4M  promotes the research of practices and protocols that collectively have the potential to optimize the human aging process, with the development of therapeutic protocols and innovative diagnostic tools that can effectively spur longevity treatments. The organization serves as an educational hub in which healthcare practitioners can obtain the most comprehensive, effective, and current preventive treatments.

       The dictionary definition of wellness is:“The state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.”

 At Phillips Clinic, providers are committed to an actively pursued, cooperative goal of being whole and well.

 Phillips Clinic providers:

· Practice preventive personalized patient care

· Believe in a proactive approach to healthcare

· Use the latest advances in integrative medicine

· Commit to a proactive approach to wellness; identifying risk    factor to patients health and  addressing those risk factors at the earliest possible stages.

 Ninety per cent of all adult illness is due to the degenerative processes most cancers, adult-onset diabetes, stroke, high blood  pressure, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, autoimmune disease glaucoma, and Alzheimer’s.

 With early detection and appropriate intervention, most of these diseases can be prevented, cured, or have their downward course reversed.

 The goal, to get people well, treats the cause not just the symptoms of disease. It improves quality of life, and can also result in increased lifespan.

 Anti-Aging medicine, based on the very early detection, prevention and reversal of age-related diseases is the newest clinical medical specialty—the “optimum” of wellness and longevity—and employs extensive treatments in the preventative health care field.

 Within the last 100 years, the average lifespan has doubled. The medical community has now developed ways to ensure the second half of our lives is just as rewarding, happy and healthy as the first.





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